Brookfield Zoo - 7/15/2001


Everyone loves Mold-A-Rama! For anyone not familiar with this amazing invention, basically Mold-A-Rama is a coin-operated device which produces a small plastic statue. Basically it involves a mold in two halves. The halves are pushed together and molten plastic is injected into the mold. Then the molds are pulled apart revealing the figurine, which is pushed by a small spatula into a waiting area below. They smell great and are very hot when they are finished. These statues are very distinctive, and they really remind me of Chicago museum trips, as they are not only found at the zoo but also at The Museum Of Science And Industry and The Field Museum Of Natural History. This trip I got a polar bear and Bethany got a gorilla. Aftyer the trip I did some research and found two websites devoted to Mold-A-Rama here and here although neither seems to have been updatred anytime recently. They also sometimes show up on Ebay. Bethany has now decided she wants to visit all Mold-A-Rama locations and get them, which sounds fine by me.

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